My PC info page

Here is my journey to PC world.

Currently, I'm running a few computers around home, which are Server, Main PC, HTPC and a Laptop. Laptop uses WLAN, others 10/100/1000 LAN, this all is behind NAT router/firewall. As my ISP provides dynamic IP, I use dyndns (at the moment) to translate my current IP to My computer thingie goes back to the legend, Commodore 64, followed by Amica 500. After that there was a huge cap, all the way to the year 2000 (Conan O'Brian fans, anyone??) when my first PC arrived. After that, there have been a few computers around, and it seems that some are staying longer than others.

I have done quite a lot of effort to keep my computers quiet, and I really recommend few webpages.

All you need to know about silencing:



My newest toy in PC world, GPS module. Here is a brief story about it


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